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 Divorce Law  

Stephen A. Land, LLC

Atlanta, Georgia Divorce Attorney

Family law matters are always stressful. Emotions often run high in a divorce. At the law office of Stephen A. Land, LLC, I focus on helping family resolve family law matters in a logical and commonsense way.

Are you facing a divorce or child custody dispute? Are you looking to establish your parental rights? Please contact me for a consultation to see whether I can help you solve your legal problems. Call my Atlanta law office at 770-350-8581.

A Commonsense Approach to Family Law

Many family law attorneys are more concerned about their business goals than protecting the emotional needs of their clients. At StephenA.Land,LLC, I seek to help clients get through divorce in a logical and commonsense way.

I believe that the parties involved can almost always resolve their cases better between themselves with the help of a lawyer, than they can before a judge who knows nothing about them. Litigation usually means more stress, more time, and more money spent.

Stephen A. Land, LLC
115 Perimeter Center Place, Suite 1080
Atlanta, GA 30346

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Stephen A. Land, LLC

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