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Jenkins Law Office

Welcome to Jenkins Law Office. My name is Clay Jenkins and I am an attorney in Sheridan, Wyoming. If you have a legal problem and need straight advice, I'm here to help. Give me a call to see how I can be of assistance. I offer free phone consultations on any case.

I offer legal representation in two distinct areas, domestic relations and personal injury. I am a strong advocate of representing people rather than insurance companies, and I am known for being totally frank with you when analyzing you case. I'll tell you what you need to know, rather than what you may want to hear. I work to sort out the emotional aspects of your case in order to focus on the legal matter.

I offer top-notch legal representation, yet I strive to keep costs low. When appropriate, I utilize the services of mediators to help effectuate a reasonable and speedy resolution. When litigation is necessary, I will give you the highest quality representation. I maintain a good reputation with local judges, I have extensive experience as a trial lawyer, and I have an excellent trial record.

Call me at (307) 674-8847 for a free phone consultation or to schedule an in-office consultation. If you prefer to contact me by e-mail, you may do so by filling out my contact form.

Jenkins Law Office
45 East Loucks, Suite 208
Sheridan, Wyoming 82801
Phone: (307)674-8847

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Jenkins Law Office

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