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 Divorce Law  

James G. O'Rourke Attorney At Law

Here at the law offices of James G. O'Rourke, we understand that having legal troubles can make your daily existence into a living nightmare. This is why we make it our mission to relieve you of your stress, by providing the legal defense you need to survive with your reputation intact. No matter how complicated the case becomes, we will always work hard to provide our client with the best decisions, by offering a variety of creative options that are appropriate to his or her case. We take an enormous pride in our own integrity, and in the quality of our approach to every situation. To us, the satisfaction of the clients we serve is our highest priority.

At the Law Offices of James G. O'Rourke, we strive to keep pace with the constantly evolving dynamics of United States law. Our professionals rely upon a foundation of legal information established by years of experience in the battlefield, but we don’t stop there. Every spare moment not spent on handling a case is spent on developing and updating our existing knowledge, because we fully understand that a changing society breeds changing laws. You can rest assured that we will always be on the frontier of all of the relevant issues.

  • Reasonable Fees
  • Payment Plans Available
  • Courteous and Experienced Staff
  • Free Parking
We’ll do whatever it takes to take away your stress and responsibility about your own case, without compromising the legal integrity that has made our law firm so successful.

Family Law

  • Divorce
  • Alimony
  • Property
James G. O'Rourke Attorney At Law
3406 Main Street
Stratford, CT 06614

Phone: 203 378-2777
Phone: 203 333-0767
Phone: 203 373-0215

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James G. O'Rourke Attorney At Law

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